The Alliance Solidarity with the Sinti and Roma of Europe hosted a rally near Brandenburg Gate on April 4, 2016 on the occasion of the ROMADAY. Among the approximately 500 participants were also the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Joachim Gauck, and the Vice Presidents of the German Parliament, Petra Pau and Claudia Roth. At the opening the Commissioner of the Federal Government for Migration, Refugees and Integration proclaimed: »Whenever Sinti and Roma are discriminated, defamed or attacked, we politicians need to make it clear that there must not be an inch of space for Antiziganism in this society.« Then Soraya Post, Mark Dainow and the dutch Sinto survivor Zoni Weisz delivered their speeches. A scenic reading followed the speeches. The reading of the  Alliance’s proclamation through Rosa von Praunheim, Wana Limar and Arne Friedrich marked the highlight of the event. The reading was musically framed by the HipHop duo »K.A.G.E.«.

Here you can find the complete program of the rally: